Hospitality, Residential and Health

Generated ozone will seep into crevices, carpets, drapes, furniture, under beds, in closets, on countertop surfaces and other places where normal air currents are minimal or even non-existent. Ozone type air sanitising has been used safely for years in homes as well as by major hotel chains, and in leisure centers.

Ozone is used to convert smoking rooms to non-smoking rooms and to eliminate odours from smelly shoes, urine, sickness, pets, cigarettes, body odour, chemicals, as well as bacteria resulting from trauma and illness.

Is it any wonder that an ozone generator has become a “must have” cleaning device for commercial hospitality, leisure and health businesses as well as in the home?

Oxyzone’s ozone generators incorporate today’s technology and reliability in a light and easily transported unit.

Ozone Use in the Home

The Cube is ideally suited to use in the home, it can transform a room like a breath of fresh air. Lingering ‘living’ odours from sickness, pets, smoking, sports equipment, shoes and cooking can be removed simply by the press of a button. More…

Ozone in Hotels, Motels, Clubs and Bars

Oxyzone has developed new products specifically for the hospitality industry. Both Ultra Violet (UV) and Corona discharge (CD) styles are available. They are tried and proven products updated with today’s technology. More…

Ozone in Caravan and Tourist Parks

Tourist parks usually contain on site caravans or cabins. Depending on the size and quantity of these cabins, the Cube is a must for the removal of cigarette or cooking odours. For the park with larger cabins the S11 or S11E will provide the answer. More…

Ozone in Nursing homes

Facilities where the elderly are cared for have special needs when it comes to maintaining a high level of sanitation in client rooms. The usual method is to use lots of chemicals to ensure unpleasant odours are not allowed to build up. More…

Ozone in Restaurants, Kitchens and Food Preparation

The cleanliness of food preparation areas is subject to stringent standards by Health Authorities and HACCP. Oxyzone’s ozone equipment raises the sanitation of food preparations areas to a new level. More…

Ozone in Fitness Centres and Physiotherapy

Fitness centres are a growing industry in Australia. With so many people using these facilities keeping the change room, bathroom, shower and toilets bacteria and odour free is a battle. In a busy Physiotherapy practice oils and clinical remedies along with body odours may become problematic. More…